Past Present and Future

Hi my name is John. I had a stroke in October 2016 which affected my speech and left me with some short-term memory issues. Prior to my stroke I was a manager within the Housing Department at North Tyneside Council. I was unable to return to work following my stroke. I now volunteer with the Stroke Association and support other stroke survivors within support groups.’

Hi I'm Jan and married to Kev. He had his stroke in December 2011.He was a very active and healthy man, who loved to cycle. We have family support and have a positive outlook and his humour gets us through

‘Hi, my name is Nicole and I am an Assistant Psychologist working within the Community Integration Team. Having always been interested in psychology and supporting others, I've dipped my toe in all sorts of areas including forensic, learning diabilities and children's services but never anywhere like the Stroke Association. Before working here, my only experience of stroke was via my grandparents whose strokes affected them cognitively and communication wise. As a family member with limited knowledge of stroke, it was incredibly difficult to see and know how best to support. When I saw the job advert for supporting those with a brain injury and/or stroke psychologically I was immediately drawn in. The thought of using my knowledge and skills to support individuals affected by the trauma my family also met, I could not think of anything more rewarding. And that is exactly what is has been. To come home everyday knowing I've seen people reaching goals and achieving things they may have never though they could is indescribable. It has shaped me as a health psychologist and I look forward to my future supporting this client group. You are all amazing!’

‘My Name is Colin, I am 80 years old and had my stroke 5 years ago. My wife Joan took care of me when I came home, its been difficult at times. I have had to navigate other health related issues as I recovered and still have challenges.

